Maxi Hoteles


What are the check-in and check-out times?

Check-in opens at 12.00pm and check-out closes at 12.00pm.

Can I leave my room late?

No, it depends on availability.

Do the rooms have a balcony or terrace?

They don’t have balcony nor terrace; they all have windows

Is there any non-smoking rooms?

Yes, the hotel has two non-smoking rooms.

Does your hotel have disabled access?

Yes, there is one room on the ground floor.

Will I be able to store my luggage in the hotel once I check-out?

Yes, we can store your luggage for you once you check out.

Do you have any quiet and romantic rooms? How can I book it?

Yes, the rooms that do not overlook the street are very quiet.

How much is the taxi ride from the airport? How long does it take?

About €25 / 30 and it takes about 20 minutes.

What is the area around the hotel like?

We are in San Juan de Dios, a very central area.

What languages does your reception staff speak?

Our reception staff can speak English and French.